Bad examples are good for you. If crank religion is your ambrosia, if you love swimming in those heady fanatical waters, here are places to look. Just a few, because honestly, a little goes a long way.
- Jack Chick - The one, the only, source of those strange disturbing tracts.
- "God Hates Fags" needs no introduction.
- The Agressive Christianity Missionary Training Corps, aka Free Love Ministries, feisty for the Lord.
- Heaven's Gate - Not the movie, the cult. The Hale-Bopp Comet people. Still online after all the suicides.
- Prophecies From the Mountain - This will make you dizzy. (Make us dizzy.)
- Outer Secrets - Hmmmm. Ooo-kay.
- Anglo-Israelism - Those Ten Lost Tribes, ever wonder where they got off to?
- Virtual Hell - VHell is offline, but tour this old version coutesy of the Internet Archive.
- Geocentricity - Earth really is the center. The Center! Devil take all those astronomers anyway.
- Flat Earth Society - Moreover, it's flat.
What, more? Visit http://www.crank.net/religion.html for a huge list. Or visit the Gallery of the Gods, Donna Kossy's freeze-dried archive of religious kooks.
"Cranks live by theory, not by pure desire.
They want votes, peace, nuts, liberty, and spinning-looms
not because they love these things,
as a child loves jam,
but because they think they ought to have them.
That is one element which makes the crank."
Rose Macaulay