A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Events Calendar

March 2025
23 24 25 26 27 28 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 1 2 3 4 5

Upcoming Events

2025 Apr 01, 12:00AM
April Fool's Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Apr 12, 12:00AM
Yuri's Night, or Cosmonauts Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Apr 12, 09:00AM - 11:00AM
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
(Community Service)

2025 Apr 15, 12:00AM
Ask An Atheist Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Apr 22, 12:00AM
Earth Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Apr 27, 11:00AM - 04:00PM
AOF at Sacramento Earth Day
(Community Service)

2025 Apr 29, 04:00PM - 07:00PM
Davis Community Meal - Feed the Hungry
(Community Service)

2025 May 01, 12:00AM
National Day of Reason
(Secular Holiday)

2025 May 13, 07:00PM - 08:00PM
Board of Directors Meeting
(Planning Meeting)

2025 May 18, 02:00PM - 04:00PM
(General Meeting)

AOF Awards & Recognitions

Awards ==================================================================

* Atheist Alliance International awards Mynga Futrell, AOF President, with a Certificate of Appreciation for achievement as an Education Coordinator (Sept 29, 2007).
* Atheist Alliance International (AAI) named AOF as the inaugural recipient of its 2006 Community Cooperation Award for outstanding outreach in the local community during the 2005 calendar year.
AOF Brick at KVIE Studio* KVIE installed etched brick recognizing AOF support of local public television. The commemorative bricks are located in the patio walkway outside the Ose Community Room, KVIE studio, 2030 W. El Camino Avenue. Image courtesy of Kevin L. Schultz -- click to view a larger size.
* American Atheists selected Atheists and Other Freethinkers as recipient of the 2005 California Awards Program, in recognition of the 2002 Freethought Day celebration.
* Caltrans selected Atheists and Other Freethinkers as the "2003 District Three and North Region Adopt-A-Highway Volunteer of the Year," in recognition of over eight years of service. Caltrans District Three includes Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento. Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties. Caltrans publishes a map of the districts here: http://www.dot.ca.gov/localoffice.htm (last accessed 2006-01-01).

In the News ===============================================================
(Note, old links may go dead, but you can often view them anyway via the Internet Archive.)

* 2022-06-24, Sacramento Bee: This Gay Reverend Sued a Televangelist [link]. Retrospective on AOF charter member & past president Jerry Sloan, who successfully sued Jerry Falwall in 1986. AOF now mentioned directly.
* 2016-09, Freethought Today: Obituary for Cleo Kocol [link]. The Freedom From Religion Foundation remembers Cleo Kocol, AOF charter member, author, poet, and outstanding feminist.
* 2014-02-12, Sacramento Bee: Obituary for Betty Simonsma [link]. The Bee memoralizes Betty Simonsma (April 30, 1925 - February 7, 2014), a founder and past president of Atheists and Other Freethinkers.
* 2013-05. Freethought Today: Obituary for Hank Kocol [link]. The Freedom From Religion Foundation celebrates the life of Hank Kocol (July 16, 1937 - April 20, 2013), past president and charter member of Atheists and Other Freethinkers.
* 2013-12-01, Sacramento Bee: "Sacramento-area atheists launch ‘Out of the Closet’ billboard campaign" [link]. AOF not mentioned directly, but we're there, in the background, cheering.
* 2012-04-13, ABC news. "Future not lookin so 'Bright'". An article about the Brights Movement founded by AOF directors Paul Geisert and Mynga Futrell. AOF not mentioned directly.
* 2010-09-05, Sacramento News & Review: "The Bright Side" [link], a citation for AOF.
* 2009-10-10, Sacramento News & Review: "Mayor Johnson Not Comfortable Celebrating Freethought" [link] [link], particularly in reference to the joint 2009 Freethought Day celebration by AOF, HAGSA and other groups of the Sacramento Community of Reason
* 2008-11-18, The Wall Street Journal: "Atheists Reach Out -- Just Don't Call It Proselytizing" [link]
* 2008-03-06, ProCon.org: Quoted on the issue, "Should the Words 'under God' Be in the US Pledge of Allegiance?" [link]
* 2008-01-31, Sacramento News & Review: "The Joey of Life" [link], Sacramento columnist Joey Garcia lifts our spirits and teaches us a few things
* 2007-07-26, Sacramento News & Review: "Virgin Territory" [link], Columnist Keleigh Friedrich interviews AOF founder Paul Geisert about (whisper) virginity.
* 2007-06-28, Sacramento News & Review: "God and War" [link]
* 2005-11-04, Sacramento Bee: "California Talks Trash: State battles a rising tide of roadside litter"
* 2005-09-15, KCRA Channel 3: "Judge: 'Pledge' Unconstitutional In Public Schools"
* 2004-10-09, Sacramento Bee: "'Therese' held over"
* 2004-07-15, Sacramento Bee: "Atheists & Freethinkers help rid Highway 99 of trashy ways"
* 2004-03-25, Sacramento News & Review: "Protect Our Secular Heritage" [link]
* 2004-01-29, Sacramento News & Review: "Survival Of the Fittest"
* 2003-07-23, Sacramento Bee: "In a new Light: Angered by labels for the nonreligious, Paul Geisert and Mynga Futrell now...."
* 2003-02-13, Sacramento News & Review: "The true unbeliever: If you think everyone in the black community is Christian...." [link]
* 2002-01-10, Sacramento News & Review: "Lessons In Acceptance" [link]
* 2001-05-03, Sacramento News & Review: "True Nonbelievers: Sacramento atheists have their own orthodoxy as they proselytize...." [link]
* 2000-04-20, Sacramento Bee: "Atheists Find Meaning -- And Deals -- At Easter"
* 1996-12-06, Sacramento Bee: "Gold Star For Deportment"
* 1996-10-20, Sacramento Bee: "Kids Get Taste of Waldorf Education: School Stresses Storytelling, Picture Drawing"
* 1996-08-12, Sacramento Bee: "Does God Exist? Debaters Sharpen Swords"
* 1996-07-13, Sacramento Bee: "Finding Faith On the Net, Worshippers Connect In Some New Ways"
* 1996-04-11, Sacramento News & Review: "Sacrilege of the Week: Ten Commandments for Politicians, by Pat Kelley"
* 1996-03-28, Sacramento News & Review: "The Soul of Sacramento: SN&R Readers Talk About Their Religious Beliefs"
* 1995-10-23, Sacramento Bee: "Even Non-Believers Paused To Reflect"
* 1995-07-01, Sacramento Bee: "True Disbelievers: For the Leader of Sacramento's Atheists and Other Freethinkers, It's Time...."
* 1994-12-02, Sacramento Bee: "Atheist-Author Says HO, HO, NO To Yuletide"


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