A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Analysis of Islam                                                                                                              Hits : 1334
Sunday, May 08, 2011, 01:30pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Sierra 2 Community Center, Room 10, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento

Mystery SpeakerWho is the mystery man who will bravely deconstruct Islam and its history at the AOF May general meeting? Raji Al Munir (not his real name) asked us not to display a photo, for obvious reasons.  A native expatriat from an undisclosed Islamic country, and a secular humanist, he is the author of the new book, Islam, God, and the New Enlightenment. As a former Muslim who lost his faith in Islam, he is at risk, and cannot safely return to his home.

Raji will talk about the history of Islam, its true roots, and the need to examine religion in general from a scientific perspective. Because of Islam's particular history and the absence (as yet) of an Islamic Reformation, strongly Muslim cultures tend not to be open to freedom of inquiry or of scientific or social progress. Innovation today arises from America, East Asia or Europe, not from Islamic countries. The answer, as Raj sees it, is for a general acceptance of what he calls the new enlightenment -- including a scientific worldview, the decline of dogmatic religious belief and some form of secular humanism.

Come to AOF's May meeting to hear this courageous man who has put his life on the line to appeal for an honest enlightenment within Islamic culture. All jihads and fatwas to be checked at the door -- and please, no baggy clothing.

Raji will bring extra copies of his book for sale and signing after his talk.

For more about him, and to read the book introduction and selected sections, please visit his websites, www.rmunir.com and http://www.science-religion-morality.org.

Contact :  916-447-3589
Help make this a fun meeting! Bring something light & edible for the snack table, if you can: finger foods, fruit juice or soda pop (but nothing needing utensils, please).