A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

AOF Summer Sizzler                                                                                                              Hits : 862
Sunday, August 14, 2011, 01:30pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Sierra 2 Community Center, Room 10, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento

Food for Mind & BodyThis is it, the annual AOF Summer Sizzler event, to feed both body and brain. Come hear forceful mini-speeches as AOF friends and members rant and unload  on whatever is topmost in their minds. The oratory may be a bit HOT at times, as speakers must impart their ideas within a time-frame (no exceptions!). But that's no problem because there will be COOL food too! -- a lavish potluck of salads, beverages and desserts. You will find all this plus jovial camaraderie at AOF's August meeting! 
Something "COOL"
Rather than the usual chip-&-dip refreshments of our regular snack table, the ideal for the August Sizzler is a full summer meal for all. AOF officers will supply cold beverages, ice and tableware. For your part, please bring a favorite enticing salad, cool side-dish or dessert. When it comes to deciding what to bring, think COOL and supply your favorite dish (for hot weather) in sufficient quantity to share, so that several (besides yourself) can enjoy it.

Something "HOT"
We invite you to prepare and present a small speech or verbal contribution to the day. This will be an "open mike" event.  But each speaker must get across his/her point(s) before the clock runs out.  

Time strictures are strict, so it is best to practice your mini-speech in advance so NOT to exceed its declared time limit. One can commit to either a brief sound-bite (2 minutes maximum) or to an actual short speech (5 minutes max). Follow that "advance preparation rule" and abide by your time limit, and you will qualify for the event's grand prize!

Have LOTS on your mind? Okay, then you may prepare talks for both the <2 min and the 2-to-5 min categories. However, keep one talk clearly in your back pocket, because a second round will occur only if available time after each person who wishes has had a shot at edifying the audience of one topic.

Contact :  916-447-3589
This is a potluck and a open mike event. Bring something light & summerish for the food table, something free-thoughtful for our minds.