A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Sacramento Freethought Day Festival                                                                                                              Hits : 1313
From Friday, October 05, 2012
To Sunday, October 07, 2012
Location :  Campus of the Ben Ali Center, 1600 Los Robles Blvd, Sacramento

Free. Thought.Do not go to the usual AOF meeting site in this month -- AOF won't be there! Instead we will join hands with the rest of the local freethought community for the Eleventh Annual Sacramento Freethought Day Festival.

What is Sacramento Freethought Day? A jubilee, a party, a salute to independent minds and rational thought, brought to you here each year by the Sacramento Coaltion of Reason (SCoR), of which AOF is a part. The traditional day is October 12. As usual, for the festival itself, we aim for the closest workable weekend.

The Freethought Day Festival combines the fun and festivity of a fair with the education and activism of a conference. It will feature speakers, entertainment, food, contests, family activities, vendors, exhibits, films, panels, workshops ... and more.

It will span three days, Friday to Sunday. Friday evening, a fundraiser reception kicks off the fun. Saturday speakers will include Mikey Weinstein (MRFF), student activist Jessica Ahlquist, Secular Coalition lobbyist Chris Lombardi, Michael Werner of AHA, Rebecca Hensler (founder of Grief Beyond Belief), God himself (Brian Keith Dalton), and others. Rounding up Sunday will be Leadership Workshops for those interested in advancing the freethought movement.

As always, admission to the main event on Saturday is free, though we encourage donations (those pesky expenses).

Visit the event website for up-to-date info. We accept your generosity with amazing good cheer. And if you'd like to help hands-on, even better -- please contact us!


Contact :  916-447-3589 or email david (at) LodiUnited (dot) org
The Ben Ali Center is across from Hagginwood Park, a mile from Hwy 80. It has plenty of parking, trees, lawn, and a mostly-enclosed activity area.