A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Potluck & Politics                                                                                                              Hits : 757
Sunday, November 11, 2012, 01:30pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Sierra 2 Community Center, Room 10, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento

Food for Mind & BodyThe polls are closed, the elections ended, votes tallied, pundits silenced. You are uplifted and exalted, or you wander lost and cold in a lonely place where the rain falls hard, feet click-clacking on the cobblestones of despair. Well, why keep it to yourself? Express your triumph. Express your existential angst!

With a shock of the short sharp sort, AOF realized it missed the Summer Sizzler event this year. Our annual potluck and round-table discussion is overdue. So it presents a Fall Feast and post-election potpourri of political pundancy (wow, yes, and someone on the staff loves alliteration).

Come hear strident words as AOF friends & members take a look back at the November election results, raging or raving, venting or laughing. You may weep in your beer or dance on the tables, depending on your own leanings. No chair-throwing please! But do prepare a small speech or commentary, story or poem or even song, to suit the day if you can. This will be an "open mike" event. As usual time strictures are strict, so trim your comment so not to exceed its declared time limit. You can commit to either a brief sound-bite (2 minutes maximum) or to an actual short speech (5 minutes max). Abide by the limit, and you will qualify for the event's fabulous grand prize!  What is the prize? Ah, that is a secret, for now.

If you have much on your mind, it's quite OK to prepare multiple presentations for both the <2 min and the 2-to-5 min categories. But prioritize them, please, because a second round will occur only if available time after each person who wishes has had one shot at edifying the audience on one topic. (Edifying ... heh-heh ... aren't we optimistic.)

Also at the November meeting, and in keeping with the political theme: AOF Board Elections. Under AOF Bylaws, each November, members vote to instill a new band of autocratic oppressors. Are you a voting AOF member? Then come to this meeting, excercise your unique franchise, and help throw the rascals out (or keep them in, your choice).

If you are a dues-paying AOF member and would like to serve on the Board this year, please contact us!


Contact :  916-447-3589, or click to our Contact Page
This will be a potluck *and* an open mike event. Bring something for the food table, something free-thoughtful and socially relevant for our minds.