A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

AOF 20th Anniversary Party                                                                                                              Hits : 949
Sunday, June 09, 2013, 02:00pm - 05:00pm
Location :  Faces, 2000 K St., Sacramento (but enter from 20th Street), click for map

PartyIt's here at last, at last: the 20th anniversary of Atheists and Other Freethinkers! Despite divine wrath, locust plagues, lightning strikes, the earth's maw gaping, and that annoying yappy dog, AOF survived, has thrived, and will achieve the two-decade mark this summer, 2013. How'd we do it? Who the hell knows? But here we are, a bit grayer, mellowed, tempered by time, and above all victorious. Come help us celebrate. And then we can honor you, our friends and our members, who made it possible.

Expect the unexpected at this epic party. We are hashing out details now. But at the least, festivities will include music entertainment by the Mockingbirds, Sacramento's first atheist choir, and a gourmet buffet dinner by the fabulous Chef Tony of Headhunters.

  • For carnivores: Chicken breast on a bed of rice, salad with dressing, fresh green beans.
  • For vegetarians: A suitable vegan alternative to the chicken.

For all: Vegan cake from the Plum Cafe and Bakery, spice cake for non-vegans, and an afternoon of reminisce about AOF, its history, how it started, how it grew, the highlights and low, and where it may go from here.

Advance tickets required for this catered event. Fee a mere $15 per, and the revelry will be well worth it. (Note, purchase deadline is June 6, 2013, and no tickets will be sold at the door.)

How to get your ticket:

Simply visit http://aof20yearparty.eventbrite.com/. Or send a check to AOF at the standard address (see the Contact Page). Specify carnivore or vegetarian dinner, please.

Eventbrite - AOF 20th Anniversary Party

20 years, wow. Do you feel old? We feel old.

Join us.


Contact :  916-447-3589, or click to our Contact Page
Go to the middle room that has a small patio on the 20th street side. Parking lot on the East side is available for parking.