A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

HumanLight/Solstice Party                                                                                                              Hits : 1270
Sunday, December 22, 2013, 11:30am - 03:30pm
Location :  Curtis Hall, Sierra 2 Community Center, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento

HumanLightOnce again AOF joins hands with HAGSA to bring you the annual joint celebration of the HumanLight (slash) Winter Solstice secular holidays. We invite all in the local community of reason to join us.  Even you.  Sit up straight and read.

Do you feel crushed and suffocated by religious sentiment about now? All those chubby cherubs, the fake frocked trees, the chorales and churchbells, and that irritating little drummer boy ... don't you just want to screeeam? Yes, so do we.  But chill, because HumanLight/Solstice is here to help! "HL/S" is an oasis in the wasteland of sugar-cookie mysticism, an escape from department store consumerism, and an opportunity to celebrate reason, common values, and the simple warmth of human friendship.

For a bit of history about the humanist HumanLight celebration, please visit http://humanlight.org/. For images of a past HL/S Party, courtesy of our Sac-FAN friends, see below or click here. Never have you seen such a display of secular squalor and profligacy. You must be part of it.

As ever, festivities will include music, camaraderie, reverie, fooderie, much else. We will have contests. We will have a raffle. We will have a charity drive. Plans continue to coalesce as you read this, so this is just a rough outline of festivities.  If you can help, or have ideas, please contact the event planner (email below)!

The Luncheon. Bring something tasty to share, prepared, well-presented, ready to serve, with your own favorite beverage. Note, the hall kitchen has a microwave, sink and refrigerator, but no oven, no stove. We will provided plates, bowls, utensils, napkins and cups.  Eating will begin at noon, and continue until the end, or till you can no longer walk.

The Raffle. This pays for the hall! Tickets will be affordable, prizes spectacular -- including two (2) ticket-vouchers to the next Oregon Shakespeare Festival (value $100), gift cards to Hoppy Brewing Company restaurant, books, toothsome goodies, and a miscellany of delightful knicknacks. If you have a knick or knack to donate for a prize, please contact the event organizers.

People & Pet Charity Food Drive. Every year at HL/S, we collect goodies for two food banks, one human (the River City Food Bank) and one animal (the Sacramento Pet Food Bank, aka Titanic's Pantry) -- both secular charities not associated with any church. So if you will, if you could, please bring a canned or packaged food item for either or both. Also accepted: toys, leashes, collars, cat litter, bedding and other pet supplies for our furry friends in need; and baby food & formula, baby diapers, baby wipes, soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, dental floss, razors, lotions in all sizes (travel or family size), paper or plastic bags and grocery store gift cards for our non-furry friends in need. Cash/check donation jars will also be there. We will deliver your donations, and your Grinch-heart will swell three sizes.

Entertainment. The event team has scheduled exemplary entertainment to keep you amused and bemused. Sing along to some popular holiday tunes with slightly new verses. Professional dancers Roger Zabkie and Pam Rivera will demonstrate eye-popping dance moves. A secular trivia contest, awards presentation and other games/activities will ensue, all decent, wholesome, secular and cerebrally nutritional. Wait & see!

Children. No, we will not provide children, stop that. But HL/S is an incredibly family-friendly event. If you wish to bring your smalls, they are welcome. Just advise the event organizer (see below), so she can plan.

No charge to attend. Friends welcome. Parking as free as your thoughts! But if you plan to attend, please RSVP to the event planner, as it would really help to have a head-count. ... Sac-FAN members can RSVP via the Sac-FAN Event page, otherwise just use email, to the Yahoo 'e-dress' below.

For a map to the site, click here.

Celebrate  Feast  Dance


Contact :  See our Contact Page
Curtis Hall is on the south end of the Sierra 2 center. The hall has no cooking facilities, so crock pots, hot plates & such will help. Able to volunteer, help set up or clean up? Contact: wendynj5 (at) yahoo (dot) com.