A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Rise & Shine Extravaganza!                                                                                                              Hits : 605
Sunday, April 20, 2014, 10:00am
Location :  Folsom 3 Stages, 10 College Parkway, Folsom, CA

The Rise and Shine Extravaganza with Dan Barker is not an AOF event, we only wish it was!  It is a joint event of our two sister groups, Sacramento Atheists, Freethinkers and Unbelievers (aka Sac-FAN) and the Greater Sacramento Branch of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. But it is free, it is open to all (with RSVP), and it is so utterly cool we had to let you know.

On April 20, while Christian friends and relatives are out celebrating Easter, what will you do -- sit home, mope? Don't even think it. Because the Extravaganza is here to save your day. It will feature the talents of Dan Barker, Keith Lowell Jensen and the Mockingbirds, with a Special Guest Appearance by the goddess of the spring equinox. (Ēostre or Ostara was a pagan goddess, you know, and the real reason for the season.) More family-friendly surprises await you this special morning.

Enjoy the clever songs and inspirational messages of well-known author, song writer and speaker Dan Barker, Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, with opening stand up comedy act by our fall-out funny Sacramento atheist comedian Keith Lowell Jensen. Also featured, the Mockingbirds with their special songs just for today, and many more surprises appropriate for all on this festive spring morning of celebration. We're glad the sun is out, the sun is returning, the birds are singing, cats shed, and life feels renewed everywhere. Ring in the equinox with friends new and old!

Friends and family welcome.  This family-friendly event is open to everyone, believer and non- alike. But seating is finite, so please RSVP soon (limit of 5 guests per RSVP). Sac-FAN members may RSVP at this link. Others please use the contact email address below.

The site is in Folsom Lake College. For a map, click here.

Rise and Shine

Contact :  Email: sacffrf (at) gmail (dot) com
To repeat, this event is as free as your thoughts.