A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Talking With Believers                                                                                                              Hits : 847
Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 06:30pm - 08:30pm
Location :  Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Road Suite A, Sacramento, see map

Matt DillahuntyTo be sure, this event is close on the eve of Sacramento Freethought Day, but never mind -- you have energy enough for both! The honorable Matt Dillahunty (pic at right) is the affable, funny, well-informed and lightning-witted host of The Atheist Experience, the acclaimed Internet TV show, which streams to the world out of Austin, Texas, and raises hackles everywhere. He knows his stuff. He has paid his dues. And he comes all the way here to speak to you.

Come listen as Matt relates in his easy style his experiences debating young earthers, anti-science fanatics and every other brand of religious thinking out there. He will tell of his weekend at the Church of Christ conference, at which we just can’t help but chuckle at his anecdotes. Matt has plenty of zingers, like, “Cults are what big religions call little religions.”

Matt will help put you in the comfort seat when talking with believers, something he does on a regular basis. It's a skill worth growing, especially when some of those believers are relatives whom we love, who we hope will love us back.

His message is of hope for the future. He helps us learn the importance of each small step with religious friends and family, reminding us how most of us come from a place of belief and how challenges were often what helped us along. What we do, and what we think, matters.

Like to watch the Atheist Experience? It streams live on Sundays at 2:30 pm, or see previous show tapings, at this link.  Scroll a bit down on the website to watch the fan-selected “Greatest Hits” moments.

As ever, this event is free, and open to all. Bring friends. Bring your pets. No, don't bring pets, but extra refreshments are welcome.

Funding for Matt's talk is from the AOF Speaker Series. If you wish to see more amazing speakers like this, become an AOF member today. Your quite-reasonable dues will help bring more freethought luminaries to Sacramento. Voluntary donations are pure frosting. We love frosting.


Contact :  See our Contact Page
Free parking! Free snacks! Free food for your ravenous mind! But if you can contribute refreshments to the hospitality table (finger-foods), we thank you.