A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup                                                                                                              Hits : 632
Saturday, January 31, 2015, 09:00am - 11:00am
Location :  CalTrans Park-&-Ride lot, W. Elkhorn Blvd, see map.

Since October 1995, Sac-area freethinkers have "adopted" a two-mile stretch of Highway 99, extending from Elkhorn Boulevard to Elverta Road. Since then we've done a fair job keeping it clear of litter and debris, and received recognition for it. It is one our more successful civic efforts, helping to prove that freethinkers can also serve the community.

So come join us! Enjoy a morning commune with nature, and do a good deed for the environment and local area wildlife. The not-insignificant refuse that we collect would otherwise ultimately be swept by the rain into tributaries and into the ocean, degrading habitat, and leading to a slow death for many sea creatures.

And ... who knows what you might find? Over the years volunteers have recovered many highly exotic items: lacey undergarb, erotic equipment, drug paraphernalia, even $100 bills -- yo, we don't kid, actual C-notes littered amid the highway detritus! -- and even stranger things. No, we are too delicate of disposition to say ... but we promise, surprises await.

As usual, the activity captain will provide all safety equipment, including comfortable, natty hard-hats and gloves, stylish safety vests, collection bags, and handy trash pickers. The cleanup takes a scant two hours. Please dress for the season. It may be a good idea to bring a backpack or fanny-pack to carry 3 or 4 trash bags.

To find the site, travel north from Sacramento on I-5, past the Sleeptrain Arena. Take the "Highway 99 - Yuba City, Marysville" exit. Exit at Elkhorn Boulevard less than a mile north. Turn left, cross the overpass, and the park-&-ride lot will be on your left.

Your Trash Picker is not a Toy

Adopt-a-Highway Sign demonstrates miracle of Stigmata


Contact :  916-447-2169 (Don Knutson), or see Contact Page
In case of rain, excessive mud, rapture or locust plague, the Cleanup will be suspended. If unsure, call the Activity Captain (Don).