A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Sacramento Freethought Day                                                                                                              Hits : 696
Sunday, October 11, 2015, 10:30am - 06:30pm
Location :  Capitol Park, South side of the State Capitol Bldg, map

Free. Your. Thought.Save this date. Grab a Sharpie and mark your calendar for the Fourteenth Annual Sacramento Freethought Day Festival. Each year on this day, AOF joins hands with sister groups in the local freethought community to bring you a menagerie of wonders, an arabesque of dreams, and a fabulous flight of free minds. Step up. No shoving please. Mind the dwarf.

We will rhapsodize about Sacramento Freethought Day. It's a jubilee, a party, a gala, a salute to independent and rational thought, open to the public, free, that's to say, freeeee, sponsored by AOF, and brought here annually by the goodly folk of the Sacramento Coaltion of Reason (SCoR). It combines the fun and festivity of a fair with the education and activism of a conference. It features speakers, entertainers, food, prizes, a "family fun zone," vendors, exhibits, panels, art ... and more.

As ever, the Freethought Day Committee has jam-packed packed this day with events to entertain you as much as uplift you, and stuff you with knowledge till your eyes bug and your cheeks have that chipmunk look. Plans are unfolding, but at present, speakers/panelists/entertainers will include Jason Torpy of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, Tom Manger of the Secular Coalition for America, poets Victor Harris and Bill Potts, Jason Heap of the United Coalition of Reason, Mandisa Thomas of Black Nonbelievers, documentarian Chris Johnson, and a panel of noted authors and podcasters, all bright as the morning.

The main event (Sunday) is free to attend, though we encourage and accept donations with blinding white smiles, and advance registration (also free, see the main website) will make you eligible for delightful & thoothsome door prizes. Also a fun fund-raiser reception will occur the evening before (Saturday, dear calendar-challenged reader), as well as a special training seminar for secular lobbyists. To learn more, visit the event website, or visit the Facebook Page, or read & join the Freethought Day Blog. (Anyone may join the blog, we love a challenge.)

The theme this year: Spread the Reason.

The Sacramento Freethought Day Festival is, of course, a celebration of Freethought Day, a secular holiday that falls on October 12. Please click that little link to learn a bit about it.

So would you like to speak at this special event, staff a table, vend, volunteer, sponsor, help promote, help plan, set up, clean up? Then please do visit the event website now, and contact the chairman. Sooner is better. Our team will love to have you, because hands that help ... are beautiful hands.

Celebrating your wondrous mind

Contact :  209-610-0651, or email: Chair (at) FreethoughtDay (dot) org
You might want to bring: a picnic blanket, a lawn chair, some snacks or loose change to keep the vendors and area restaurants happy. Plenty of good eateries are within strolling distance of the event.