A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Memoral Day Eat-&-Speak                                                                                                              Hits : 488
Sunday, May 29, 2016, 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Sacramento Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map

Memorial DayA Peace is Patriotic speak out
(Feed your Face + Speak your Mind)

Celebrate Memorial Day by exercising your hard-won right of free speech. AOF revisits its tradition of an annual "Open Mike" potluck, where friends & members can speak out on any topic and cap it with potluck dining, thus demonstrating American superiority not only in bloviation and home-made explosives, but in glorious gluttony.

How does it work? First for the speak-out part, slam down a five-minute oration on any topic of interest (a poem, a speech, a recital, an op-ed, or --?) (just please not a reading of Green Eggs & Ham, you will never top Sen. Ted Cruz on that). Voluntary of course. We love our speakers, but listeners are cool too.

The potluck part will be appetizer-oriented, h'ordeuvres, properly pronounced "horse dovers" to the unwashed. For this please bring 10-12 moderate servings of your favorite finger-food. Perhaps a canapé-style dessert. A cold beverage. A pizza. A veggie tray. No soups, stews or roast oxen please -- small-chow rules the day. And facilities for cooking are limited.

As usual, AOF will supply plates, cups and utensils, but you might bring your own serving gear, if the thought of bare-hand food service gives you chills -- and it should.

Suggested attire for this event: red/white/blue, and/or tie-dye, or an Uncle Sam suit, or dress as your favorite hero of American folklore or history. Points to anyone who remembers Mike Fink. Or just wear those dusty dungarees. This is our chance to show freethinkers can be patriotic too, in an entirely casual, freethinky way.

Contact :  See our Contact Page
Attendance and parking, always free. We cheerfully accept donations for expenses. Friends welcome. And if you can arrive a bit early for set up, or stay after to clean up, we love you!