A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Halloween Wild Food Day                                                                                                              Hits : 570
Sunday, October 30, 2016, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
Location :  Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map

Nom NomA Haunted Feast for Freethinkers

hullo, my name is ... I don't have a name, they took it. i live here, at reason center, in the walls ... deep in the walls with the whispers, with the spiders. sometimes i come out at night. i rearrange the chairs and ... do things. i used to work here, but they said people who talk to spiders and do not wash just weren't right for rc. i tried to answer that, but then i vomited blood. so they said, go. and so here i am ... in the cool deep walls ...

but now the spiders tell me rc will have a party, a halloween party. what fun. i like that. because halloween food tastes like -the hearts of children- candy corn and fluffy clowns. i mean nice clowns, not the evil ones. so i want to help. i have ideas for you. aren't I nice? he-he-he-heh

like dried pears, slice them up just right and they become ears ... hard-boil some eggs to make the scaffolding for little skulls or eyeballs ... use hot dogs wrapped with biscuit dough to make mummies, see the picture, so cute! ... or cut a banana in half, dot with raisins, and suddenly, ohmy, two ghosts! ... join string cheese to pretzel sticks to make witchy brooms ... or, or, olives are eyes ... even a watermelon, sculpt it just right, it can be just about anything nice-awful ... guacamole, well, you can imagine how pretty ... and gelatin? add some milk and food-coloring, find the right mold (not fungus mold, a container mold), and it's a masterpiece! 

it will be a halloween potluck feast for you and your freethinking friends, so come costumed or not, be as daring as you care, and create & bring your favorite autumnal dish or beverage ... hot food? it's OK if you have a hotplate or electric crockpot or something like that ... 

oh, shh, i have to go, but do look at Google Images for "halloween food" for more ideas, and don't be scared ...

we will nosh, enjoy haunted music, and tell halloweeny tales ... the hook, the hook! ... maybe I'll even come out and join you. he-he-he-heh ... 


Contact :  See our Contact Page
Reason Center will provide tableware, etc. But remember your serving utensils, because hand food service scares us.