AOF Activities & Events
Omniscient, omnipotent, and pretty darned mean: A Philosophers' Table discussion!
October's Philosopher's Table will tackle one of the Heavy Questions. If a benign Big Guy exists who knows everything, can do anything, why do little babies suffer and die of disease or starvation? Why would millions of people experience unending misery every year? Why can't I find my car keys? And the most baffling: Why worship a cosmic being who can help, but doesn't? As pain piles on pain, we might expect the willing suspension of disbelief come to an end at some point. Or should it?
These are tough chews, and don't assume either believers or skeptics have the answers. We just want to chew them.
The basic rule at Philosophers' Table talks: respect each other's opinions and feelings, listen, think, and no denying your own existence--it makes our head hurt.
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