A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Darwin Day Birthday Gala                                                                                                              Hits : 1040
Sunday, February 12, 2017, 02:00pm - 05:00pm
Location :  John Smith Hall, La Sierra Community Center, 5325 Engle Road, Carmichael
Elderly DarwinThe Reality Of Climate Change: A Path Forward

The Darwin Day Birthday Gala is Sacramento's coolest, remarkably singular, most go-to event of science and human reason, brought to you by area science advocates, civic groups and local nerds on too much coffee. This 20th anniversary event marks Charles Darwin's 208th birthday. And once again it will occur in the lofty John Smith Hall of the La Sierra Community Center, in Carmichael.

A science-rush like no other, Darwin Day is an annual celebration of scientific inquiry honoring of the life and work of the great Charles Darwin (b. 12 February 1809), sponsored worldwide by community and educational groups. It's not exactly an AOF event, but AOF helped establish the local celebration, and supports it and commends it to all our friends in the Sacramento community of reason. Because, science! And what is science but reason in the trenches?

For the respectable history of this mind-growing event, visit the International Darwin Day Foundation.

Doors will open at 2 o’clock post meridiem, the main program to begin at 2:30. Arrive early, tour the display tables, visit the vendors, grab some science swag, then find a cozy seat. Relax and enjoy the opening entertainment, which will include a demonstration by Mad Science of Sacramento. Then get ready for the feature: Dr. Tom Suchanek, coastal marine ecologist and Scientist Emeritus with the USGS Western Ecological Research Center (WERC:http://www.werc.usgs.gov/). His topic will be The Reality Of Climate Change: A Path Forward.

Trained as a marine ecologist, Tom Suchanek was a Research Manager, Lead Scientist and Climate Change Science Coordinator for WERC in Sacramento until Jan 2014. He holds active Research Associate appointments at the U.C. Davis Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology and Bodega Marine Lab. The study and impact of climate change is one of his many passions. Want homework?  Check out his writings and presentations at http://climatevoices.org/speakers/tom-suchanek/.


Rounding the event will be more entertainment, snacks, and of course, yummy Darwin Birthday Cake. (It is a birthday party, after all.)

Admission just $10 thru Feb 6, $15 at the door, or $5 with a current Student ID. For details click to the main event website, http://sacdarwinday.info/ ...  or:
Get a ticket now.
View the Event Flyer.

Young Chucky D., the Very Man

For a map to the site, click here

Contact :  Bill, ph. 916-514-9974, or email president (at) hagsa (dot) org
With entertainment, vendor tables, educational displays, and refreshments! Questions, email: raehoward (at) me (dot) com, or president (at) hagsa (dot) org.