AOF Activities & Events
Free Movie Night! Hits : 474
Friday, August 18, 2017, 07:00pm - 10:00pm
Location : Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map
For your entertainment and enrichment, Reason Center and AOF team up to bring you another fine sf movie. The MPLC License prohibits us from saying the title, but the release year was 2016, it concerns a starship, an artifact, a brash Star Fleet captain, and a reptilian dictator who sucks the life from his victims. No, not a commentary on the White House, but a sequel to the movie we showed last time. If you can't figured it out, ask someone at Reason Center, they will whisper.
Free Movie Nights are picnic-style family events. Reason Center has a huge silver screen and a dynamite sound system. Chairs are available but may be a bit uncomfortable for a two-hour sit, so it's OK to bring blankets, pillows, lawn chairs and your own snacks & beverage (non-alcoholic please). RC will provide fluffy, buttery theater popcorn. Children are welcome if they're cool children.
Also: the taller your personal chair, the further back you will sit -- keep that in mind.
Free Movie Nights are especially for Reason Center members. Non-members are welcome too, but RC may request a small donation to cover costs. How can you become a Reason Center member? Sign up at Membership is a measly $4 a month, is tax deductible if you itemize, and the perks (like this one) are endless.
Contact : See the Reason Center Contact Page
Free Movie Nights occur on a Friday evening each month. Maybe two Fridays. Suggest your own fave film for next time!