A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

HumanLight/Solstice Party                                                                                                              Hits : 623
Saturday, December 23, 2017, 12:00pm - 02:30pm
Location :  Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Road Suite A, Sacramento, see map


Come celebrate positive Humanist ideals and values: reason, compassion, hope, science, kindness, joy and community. At a time of year when there are many religious holidays, the annual HumanLight (slash) Winter Solstice party provides an opportunity for freethinkers to have their own time to be festive and celebrate common values and friendship.

The party will include a potluck, music, and a people- and pet-food charity drive. There is no charge to attend. Even parking is free! Just bring something to share for the potluck, your appetite, and a smile. Be prepared for some secular fun! The event is family-friendly, so bring the kiddos too.

The Potluck: This event is a potluck, so whip-up (or buy) your favorite dish to share. Please bring your food already prepared and ready to serve. The Reason Center kitchen has a microwave oven for warming-up food, but no oven or stove. A sink and refrigerator are also available. Plates, bowls, utensils, napkins, and cups will all be provided, but please remember to bring a serving utensil for your dish. Please bring some beverages to share too.  Wine and beer are okay.

The Charity Drive: Previous charity food drives have been so successful, we are doing it again! We will be collecting food and basic supply items for two local charities, the River City Food Bank and the Sacramento Pet Food Bank (also called "Titanic's Pantry"). So either dig through your pantry or consider purchasing something at the store to donate. We will also have donation jars available for cash/check donations for both charities. This is a wonderful opportunity for the freethought community to come together and show their compassion and kindness for others in need in our local community. Donations for human and pet food and supplies are encouraged, but not required.

Sacramento has several food banks; we found one that is not associated with a church or any religious group: The River City Food Bank. In addition to providing food to those in need, they also provide other essential supplies. Please bring donations of canned, boxed, and bagged foods (non-perishable); baby food and formula; baby diapers and wipes; toiletries such as soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, dental floss, razors, lotions in all sizes (travel or family size); bags (paper or plastic); and grocery store gift cards.

Titanic's Pantry is a pet food bank run by the local Sacramento City and County animal shelters, the Sacramento ASPCA, and Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary. As the economy started going downhill several years ago, the animal shelter found that people were having to give-up their pets because they could no longer afford food for them. In an effort to keep pets with their people, the City started this pet food bank available to anyone in need. Please bring bags of dry and canned cat and dog food, and even toys, leashes, collars, cat litter, bedding, and other pet supplies to donate for our furry friends in need.

The HumanLight/Solstice Party is sponsored by AOF and the Humanist Association of the Greater Sacramento Area (HAGSA). For its history, please visit http://humanlight.org/. For images of a past HL/S Party, courtesy of our Sac-FAN friends, see thumbnails below, or click here.

Celebrate  Feast  Dance
Contact :  tom (dot) ikelman (at) gmail (dot) com, wendynj5 (at) yahoo (dot) com, or call AOF (916-304-3796)
Reason Center has no cooking facilities, so pre-prep please. Hot plates, crock pots and warmers should be OK. Open fires, not so much. To volunteer, help set up & clean, contact the event organizers.