A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Artful Eyes                                                                                                              Hits : 550
Sunday, February 25, 2018, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
Location :  Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map

ArtistsLet's meet some of the most creative people in our community of reason: photographer Ben Tuason, metal embossing sculptor Derek Mathias, portrait artist Paul Charbonneau, and installation artist Tammy Helenske.

  • Ben Tuason is a photographer with a subtle eye and a thoughtful approach to imagery. The Davis city photo contest selected Ben's work as Best of Show in in 2013, the Hattie Weber Museum featured his photos in a one-man-show in 2015, and he has shown in many local art galleries.
  • Derek Mathias's distinctive style of metal embossing features intricate patterns pressed freehand into thick copper foil or anodized aluminum foil. He mounts them on canvas frames with a variety of rich, complementary fabrics such as faux suede, faux snakeskin, crushed velvet, or satin. The Pacific Art League and the Great American Framing Company and Gallery in Palo Alto, the Sunnyvale Art Gallery in Sunnyvale, Artists’ Alley in San Francisco, a Los Gatos law firm, and other venues have displayed Derek's work.
  • Paul Charbonneau draws and paints in a classical realist style. He studied art back in the 1970s and revived his interest about 5 years ago. After a drawing class in San Francisco, he found his skills rebounded quickly. Paul will demonstrate sketch portraiture for us, using a live model. Just be a face portrait, nobody will be getting nekkid. (Damn.)
  • Tammy Helenske earned a BA in studio art at California State University Sacramento after completing two math and science associate degrees. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in art at Sacramento State. Her installation art projects blend new media, sound, lighting, sculpture, performance and social practice. Her pieces are often philosophical, thematic, interactive installations that evolve around a multi-layered concept. She is also a musician whose work involves soundscapes integrated with experimental jazz.

Booya, yet another mind-growing event of the AOF Speaker Series, presented to you at Reason Center (RC), the only local venue dedicated to freethought and rational thinking. Support AOF and support RC, and who will they support? You!

Contact :  See our Contact Page
Attendance, parking and amazing art, all free! But please bring some light snacks for the hospitality table, and maybe drop a fishskin in the donation jug. (Not a real fishskin. Stop it please.)