AOF Activities & Events
How should we listen to the news when the off switch is a non-option? Donna Apidone has some hints. Since 2001, she has hosted Capital Public Radio’s portion of NPR's Morning Edition. The lady with the soothing, musical voice will come to Reason Center to share some wisdom on listening, thinking and deciding.
People count on Donna Apidone: she has hosted CapRadio Reads since 2011 and the midday classical program for 10 years. She has been a radio devotee since age 14, when she visited a family friend at a Cleveland radio station. Often onstage now as a speaker and performer, she loves to interview authors and rock stars.
Donna’s book, TransForMission (see Amazon link) describes a five-step path to finding purpose in life. She also teaches TransForMission classes and workshops. She has degrees in Communication and Journalism and was ordained as a nondenominational minister at Riverside Church in New York City. She is a certified life coach. Donna also works with the board of directors of a national animal rescue organization.
Wow, just wow. You have to see this woman.