A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Candace Gorham - Secular Mental Health                                                                                                              Hits : 428
Sunday, September 27, 2020, 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Online Videoconference via Zoom - see link above.

CandaceGorhamCandace R.M. Gorham, yeah! AOF will bring her to you via Zoom to talk about secular mental health---something some of us could use a bit more of. You in the tinfoil, you know who you are.

Candace has earned her chops. At age 18 she joined a charismatic church and was ordained as an evangelical minister and prophetess. She cast out demons and conducted faith healings and was determined to be the minister, wife, and mother that she was sure God had planned her to be. When financial hardship and depression drove her to consider suicide, she dove even more deeply into the Bible, and quickly became disillusioned. Questions mounted about the similarities between Jesus and earlier god-legends, the nature of god, and the concepts of hell and evil. These issues and others prompted Candace to reject belief in a deity. She founded the Ebony Exodus Project to explore the reasons record numbers of black women are leaving religion.

Now a licensed professional counselor and the author of The Ebony Exodus Project: Why Some Black Women Are Walking Out on Religion and Others Should, Too, Ms. Gorham is on the advisory council of the Black Humanist Alliance of the American Humanist Association and is a member of the Secular Therapist Project and the Clergy Project. She lives in Durham, North Carolina, with her 16-year-old daughter. No one in Durham wears a tinfoil hat.

We have to say it. Another outstanding event of the AOF Speaker Series. AOF is a Sacramento 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Without it, this series would not exist. Please support us! If you're not already a member, fix that with a visit to www.aofonline.org/join.

How to attend:

Assuming Reason Center will still be closed due to the COVID-19 lockdown, this meeting will be online only.

  • Any time before the event: Go to https://zoom.us/download. Download & install the "Zoom videoconference tool" if you haven't already. (Do it just once; it will be good for all future online Zoom meetings.)
  • Moments before the meeting: Go thttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85617000610?pwd=bENDaUNpVFFMMGNvakVIWFR0UDExQT09 It will take you to a Zoom Page. 
  • If it asks you to sign in: If you have a Facebook or Google account, or even an SSO account, just click one of the buttons for those, then sign in with your Facebook or Google info. Or create your own free Zoom account, but this is not necessary.
  • If it wants a Meeting ID (it probably won't), the ID is 856 1700 0610
  • If it wants a passcode (it probably won't), the passcode is 658339
  • The videoconference should begin. Speakers on, please! Sit back and enjoy.

Or listen in by phone at 1-669-900-6833. Same meeting ID (856 1700 0610) and same passcode: 658339

Contact :  Email "programs (at) aofonline.org", or see https://www.meetup.com/SacFAN/events/271538757/.
Attend free using the Zoom Videoconference tool, details above. If you enjoy it, we encourage you to join AOF at http://www.aofonline.org/join.html.