A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Why Smart People Fall for Fake News                                                                                                              Hits : 200
Sunday, April 25, 2021, 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Location :  An online Videoconference via Zoom - see link above.

Dr Gleb TsipurskyYou're smart, right? You make decisions, usually good ones. You rely on reason and reject superstition. Yet in many cases, smart people are more likely to fall for fake news than average minds! Research in cognitive neuroscience and behavioral economics shows that certain forms of misinformation are a special kryptonite for smart people. The vulnerability arises from dangerous judgment errors called cognitive bias.

Learn how you might be vulnerable to fake news, find out what you can do to fix that, and see how to help prevent other people from falling for fake news as well. You'll be a superhero.

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is a cognitive neuroscientist and behavioral economist passionate about truth, rational thinking, and wise decision-making. A civic activist and philanthropist, he’s the volunteer President of the Board of the nonprofit Intentional Insights (https://intentionalinsights.org">https://intentionalinsights.org) and co-founded the Pro-Truth Pledge (www.protruthpledge.org). Professionally, he serves as the CEO of the decision-making and risk management strategy consulting, coaching, speaking, and training firm Disaster Avoidance Experts (https://disasteravoidanceexperts.com">https://disasteravoidanceexperts.com). He’s a best-selling author of a number of books, most notably Pro Truth: A Pragmatic Plan to Put Truth Back Into Politics (Changemakers Books, 2020), as well as the national bestsellers The Truth Seeker’s Handbook: A Science-Based Guide and Resilience: Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. He has published over 550 articles and has given over 450 interviews for prominent venues such as Time, USA Today, Scientific American, Psychology Today, Fortune, The Conversation, Inc. Magazine, CNBC, CBS News, NPR, Newsweek, and more. A nonbeliever, he frequently writes for secular venues such as The Humanist, Skeptical Inquirer, The Skeptic, and Free Inquiry. His expertise stems from his research background with over 15 years in academia, including seven years as a professor at the Ohio State University, where he published dozens of peer-reviewed articles in academic journals such as Behavior and Social Issues and Journal of Social and Political Psychology. Email him at "gleb (at) intentionalinsights (dot) org".

Another fine event of the AOF Speaker Series.


How to attend:

Reason Center is currently closed, so this meeting will be by online videoconference.

  • Any time before the event: Go to https://zoom.us/download. Download & install the "Zoom videoconference tool" if you haven't already. (Do it just once; it will be good for all future online Zoom meetings.) (Note, this is optional -- it just makes the teleconference a bit easier.)
  • Moments before the meeting: Go to https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtcOCrrT0rH90arzEKZcfFbc2TXf8pOA_P. It will take you to a "Zoom Page." Enter your ID info if you have to, then click the blue box that says Launch Meeting. Or follow the displayed instructions.
  • If it asks you to sign in: If you have a Facebook or Google account, or even an SSO account, just click one of the buttons for those, then sign in with your Facebook or Google info. Or create your own free Zoom account, but this is not necessary.
  • If it wants a Meeting ID (it probably won't), the ID is 950 7933 6159.
  • If it wants a passcode (it probably won't), the passcode is 052116.
  • If necessary, click the line that says Join from Your Browser.
  • The videoconference should begin. Speakers on, please! Sit back and enjoy.

Or listen in by phone at 1-669-900-6833. Same meeting ID (950 7933 6159) and same passcode (052116). This is for the Northern California region.

Contact :  Email "programs (at) aofonline.org", or see https://www.meetup.com/SacFAN/events/276064925/
To support the Speaker Series, join AOF at www.aofonline.org/join. Because without AOF, it wouldn't happen.