AOF Activities & Events
Come party with us - party for humanist ideals and humanist values: reason, compassion, hope, science, kindness, joy and civil community. In a season halfway to insulin shock under a sugary frosting of religion, the annual HumanLight/Winter Solstice celebration is a refreshing opportunity to be festive for common secular values.
The party will include a potluck, music, songs, games and socializing. Donations will be accepted at the door for the beautiful new Reason Center.
What should you bring? Something foody to share for the potluck, your appetite, and a smile. Be prepared for secular fun! The event is family-friendly, so your beautiful kiddos are welcome.
The Potluck: This event includes a potluck, so whip-up (or buy) your favorite dish to share. Please bring food already prepared and ready to serve, including serving utensils for your dish. BYO beverage too. Plates, bowls, utensils, napkins and drinking vessels will all be provided.
The Charity Drive: Food for humans & pets. We will be collecting nonperishable food and other necessities for two local charities, the River City Food Bank and the Sacramento Pet Food Bank (helping the pets of the homeless). Contributions are encouraged but not required. This is a wonderful opportunity for the freethought community to come together and show their compassion and kindness for others in need in our local community.
The HumanLight/Winter Solstice Party is for the entire Sacramento area freethought community. That's you. That's me. That's us!